New Regulation on waste shipments enters into force

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New rules to ensure the EU takes greater responsibility for its waste entered into force on Monday 20 May 2024.

The new Waste Shipments Regulation sets out stricter rules on the export of waste to non-EU countries. The Regulation will also increase traceability and facilitate the shipments of waste for recycling in the EU and beyond.  It will support the circular economy and ensure that waste exported from the EU is treated in an environmentally sustainable way.

Stricter control of waste exports

Waste exports from the EU to non-EU countries have increased by 72% since 2004, amounting to 35 million tons per year in 2023. 49% of waste exported from the EU goes to non-OECD countries. Under the new Regulation, exports of EU waste to non-OECD countries will only be allowed if these countries inform the European Commission that they are willing to import waste and demonstrate that they have the ability to manage it in a sustainable manner. These new requirements will apply from 21 May 2027.