Extended Producer Responsibility The obligations for Parties to establish and regulate Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems


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Parties to establish and regulate national EPR systems.

Key provisions and objectives

  1. Establishment of EPR systems: Parties are required to establish one or more mandatory national EPR systems covering specified products, primarily focusing on those made of plastic. The modalities for these systems are detailed in Annex D, considering the specific products and circumstances of each Party.
  2. Cost coverage and recycling targets: EPR systems must ensure that producers cover a range of costs aimed at improving collection and recycling rates, as outlined in Annex D. Additionally, these systems should incentivise increased recyclability and product longevity to address littering issues.
  3. Transition to sustainable practices: Parties are encouraged to consider how their implementation of EPR measures contributes to a just transition, aligning with broader sustainability goals.
  4. Utilisation of fees: All fees collected from producers under EPR systems should be used solely for covering the costs of services intended to enhance recycling and waste management. Parties retain the right to impose separate taxes on plastic producers, as necessary, to achieve treaty objectives.