Danone taken to court over its plastic use

Photo source: Surfrider

Founded in 1919, Danone, as well as being one of the world’s leading companies in the food industry, is also among the most polluting ones. Singled out on several occasions by the Break Free From Plastic coalition, Danone is indeed one of the largest users of plastic packaging worldwide.

Danone’s use of plastic is increasing despite the urgency to reduce it. It is estimated that 750.994 tons of plastic were produced by Danone in 2021 against 716.500 tons in 2020. Furthermore, plastic pollution is increasing all over the world, affecting the environment, health and human rights. In light of this, all companies should limit their use of plastic as much as possible. In this respect, the unfortunate counter-performance of Danone goes against the efforts needed to reduce the global plastic crisis.

The company is being taken legal action against by the Surfrider Foundation. It is the first time a food company is sued in France for its plastic use, throughout its whole supply chain, based on the the 2017 French Duty of Vigilance law.


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